Thursday, 21 July 2016

Acrtion 1

Action 1 in my plan is to write an eBook.

So here it is:

I am White, I am Black

I start writing this book because of the question:” Why am I white and other people black?”

To find the answer to my question I had to go to the beginning. You will see that I used the Bible and build my story around it. The Bible was my starting point as it gives us some ideas of what happened during the creation process. 
I started by taking all the pieces from the Bible that contains anything concerning the Creation and put it together to tell me the story of what really happened.

As you would know, you don’t get the complete creation story in the first book of the Bible. Some of the stories are found in the last book and in some of the books in-between. 

To really get the picture I had to take all the pieces and put it together like a puzzle to get one creation story.

To get to the truth I had to study all the creation stories of all the religions of the world, but not only that of the known religions but also the creation stories of any sect or tribe, anything that had to do with the creation process.

Now, this book is not “Politically correct”. It is only the story of all the information what I could gather. According to me then, this is the truth.

A lot of people would not like it, especially the Christians, as it talks about the Evolution Process or maybe because some people belief that there is supposed to be only one God, their God. Some people would not like it because they would want to protect their belief system. This may also be shocking to a lot of people and they will probably hate me for showing them what they don’t want to see, their whole belief system could fall apart. But this is fine because it will make them re-think the reason for believing what they belief.

Read it and take what is good for you and leave the rest out, if you wish.

I also realize that this could start a debate from now to eternity.

And maybe you didn’t know, but there are two creation stories in Genesis. One for black people and one for white people. Really, yes, really.

As I wrote this book, my idea of what happened changes quite a lot. Just as I think I figured it all out, I read something that changes my view of it and I had to start all over again.

I hope that this book is of help to you.

Spoil yourself with this eBook.

Get this eBook here


Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Action Plan 4

Action Plan 4

This is where I will try to market everything that I do


This is where I intend to “advertise” what I am up to. I need people to read my stuff and to buy my eBooks.

Action Plan 3

Action Plan 3
This sounds strange – giving stuff away but you have to give something to get something

1.    Infographics – I will make infographics on any post I put on my blogs and post it on Pinterest.

2.    Videos – I already made some videos and put it on YouTube and try to make some money off it with ads.

3.    Blog – I already have a lot of Blogs to post on. I like Blogger from Google as it is free. I will also try Wordpress and podcast (but later). I intend to make a video of all my blogposts and post it on YouTube.

4.    Twitter – I will communicate every post on Twitter to try to gain some following

Action Plan 2

Action Plan 2

Here I separated the stuff that I will sell on the internet.


I first decided to check what I have.

1.   Photos - We all have a few photos, right. Either taken with our cellphones or with a camera. I then decided to put them on Stock Photos and Shutter Stock.

2.   eBooks – This was an easy one as I’m busy righting an ebook and I’ve also got some ideas on other ebooks I can write. I decided to sell them on Kobo and Amazon. I will also put it on Clickbank and let other people sell them for me.

3.   Articles – This one is still a maybe and I need to investigate some more. But at the same time I could use my Blog Posts as articles. I will try E-How

Action Plan 1

Action Plan 1

Here follow my action plans to make ZAR1 000 000 in 6 months


First of all I need to look at what I can create or make.
Lucky for me I’ve got a thing or two going but if you don’t: try to find something that you can make and sell. You will see that this is something physical.
Off course I can try to sell it on the internet as well but I choose to sell it at flea markets.
1.   T-Shirts – I decided to use my Grandpa logo on t-shirts

What do you think?
2.   Jewellery – I picked up some Beach pebbles on the beach, drill holes through it and put shoe laces on it. It look great, I love it.
3.   Concrete – I made some concrete candle holders. If you need some ideas: just Google it. There are a lot of different shapes and sizes to try.



Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Suid-Afrikaanse Rand verloor veld

Met die Rand se waarde wat vandag so laag gedaal het is die enigste manier om by te bly, om Dollars te verdien.
Die maklikste manier om Dollars te verdien is om dit deur die internet te doen, deur Google se Adsense program en deur YouTube.

Google Adsense
Google adsense sit advertensies op jou webblad of op jou blog.

Om ‘n webblad te begin gaan jou n hele paar Rand uit die sak jag terwyl ‘n blog jou niks kos nie. Jy registreer doodeenvoudig op Blogger. Nog ‘n Google program.
Jy maak ‘n blog oop en skryf artikels wat jy dan daarop plaas. Dan sit jy Google Adsense advertensies op jou Blog.

Jy word slegs vir die advertensies betaal indien iemand op een van hulle kliek.
Daarom moet jy soveel as moontlik artikels skryf om soveel moontlik advertensies op te kan hê.

Dit is egter nie so maklik om ‘n klomp artikels oor een onderwerp te skryf nie daarom is dit vir my beter om ‘n klomp verskillende onderwerpe te kies en dan weekliks een artikel oor elkeen van die onderwerpe te skryf.

Om geld te maak op YouTube moet jy videos op YouTube hê wat ge-“monotize” is.

Daar is egter ‘n paar voorwaardes op waarvan jy jou moet vergewis.
Onderandere mag dit nie iemand anders se musiek op hê nie, slegs you eie.

Daar mag geen ander produkte op wees soos bv. ‘n blikkie coke nie. Hulle sien dit as advertensies.
Jy kan sulke videos opsit maar jy gaan nie geld daaruit kan verdien nie.

Nadat jy jou video opgelaai het sit hulle advertensies daarop, en dis hoe jy geld maak.
Jy verdien maar net ‘n paar sent vir elkeen wat jou video dan kyk. Maar dis Amerikaanse sente.
Dit is hieroor dat jy ‘n plan moet maak dat soveel moontlik mense na jou video sal kyk.

Daar is geen waarborg dat enigeen na jou videos sal kyk nie en niemand weet ook hoekom sommige videos “viral” gaan nie. Dis nou dat miljoene mense na you video kyk.
Hieroor moet jy soveel videos as moontlik oplaai om jou kanse te verbeter dat hulle raakgesien word.

Kom ons maak ‘n paar sommetjies.

Indien die Rand R16.00 teenoor die Dollar is hoef jy slegs $62 500.00 te verdien om R1 000 000.00 te hê.
So hoe slegter die Rand is hoe minder Dollars hoef jy bymekaar te maak vir R1 000 000.00.

So laat die dollars inrol.
Hier is ‘n voorbeeld van my videos:  Kyk hier na did